HomeBaroste MusicMUTA CHRIS FT DEN ZEE andY COASTY=LIMUNATI-[prd by muta-y coasty zwt Baroste Music MUTA CHRIS FT DEN ZEE andY COASTY=LIMUNATI-[prd by muta-y coasty zwt ZED WEST TUNES June 25, 2021 0 Top Post Ad ca-pub-6473922476638265 428 Views MUTA CHRIS has come up with the brand new song tagged #limunati where he featured two Mbunga legends DEN ZEE and Y COASTY . the songs goes direct to those who are in true love relationship.Download and listen to the song bellow DOWNLOAD MP3 Below Post Ad ca-pub-6473922476638265 Tags Baroste Music Newer Download Sky Blade-Feat-Mumble Jumble-Hupula][Prod DJ Spider Older KK TRIBUTE -MBUNGA ARTISTS mMP3